A Cloud Guru's Guru of the Week

Only I could win a ticket to Re:Invent in 2020 :D

Woke up to some absolutely fantastic news via email this morning.

Earlier this year, I entered the A Cloud Guru ‘AWS Guru of the week’. They basically post an exam question on their forum, and you have to answer it and justify your answer to say why it’s the best response and why the others don’t work - so you have to know what you’re talking about.

So I did that. And I won. I got a t-shirt, I was featured on the ‘AWS this week’ YouTube video and was entered into the grand prize draw to win a ticket to AWS:ReInvent in Las Vegas.

I’ve always wanted to go to Re:Invent, it’s my dream ‘work-related’ trip, so many oppertunities to learn, to network, to be a part of something so huge. Anyway - it’s been cancelled this year because of the whole global situation with COVID-19. So unfortuntely there’s no ticket to Vegas this year.

Luckily though, they have a backup plan. My prize now consists of a year’s sub (extension) to ACG, a new swag pack and a choice of starring in an AWS this week video as a guest star to speak about my experience and getting into cloud, getting a personalised video from the host or featuring in a cartoon created by the very talented Forrest Brazeal.

I’ve chosen to be immortalised into a comic. I can’t get enough of tech comics. They’re fab. And the ones written by Forrest often make me chuckle. I’ve just found out that he’s got a book coming out, in the style of a children’s book that explains the concepts of Cloud. I’m going to have to get that if only for my kids to show them what Daddy does at work.

Absolutely on top of the world this morning. Hoping this sets me up for a great day.

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